Monday, February 19, 2007

Symmetry and Sacred Geometry

My (A)Symmetrical World

During particular times, when events were explosive, out of control, whole periods of my life when I have suffered what felt to be unendurable and unending grief, as well as those times when the love and joy in my life have seemed effortless and boundless; my world seemed clearly asymmetrical. There was little balance. What was experienced in the extreme during these particular times has always remained jagged memories of isolating events thrust upon me by an unjust and meaningless world (kudos, always, to Shakespeare: "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"). There are scars on my psyche, the sources of which I have hated very profoundly, for it is hard to see the beauty and balance of life when one is attacked from without or from within, assaulted physically, spiritually or sexually, or even just had one's good "Christian name" (kudos, always, to Joni) or educated nose rubbed in the dung heap.

No justice, no symmetry.

Now I am not really sure what happened. It is not that the "years have taken a toll" or that I have yet acquired the "wisdom that comes with age." I still have profound hatred for much that is in the world (kudos, always, to Bertoldt: "Change the world... she needs it!"). But I sense a profound symmetry now in my world. As more years go by, they move faster and faster, and I can feel their rhythm. Within the largest cycles there is a sense of containment. The great arc of my life I am able to see as from a distance, and I enjoy my experience of it. I dance. As the older folks I know leave this existence, the younger ones enter. Friends have gone and friends have come. Wherever I go, there I am. (Funny, but true!) I can see my reflection and know it to be illusory, for "I" am the illusion. The symmetry is perfect and complete.

This was really hard to write. I am very tired. It is late; good thing it is dark. Perfect symmetry.

Just what does this CP violation really mean?

It may very well be the reason there is an "is" here. Contrary to the symmetry theorem of quantum physics which states that all processes involving particles remain invariant if: 1) the particles are changed into antiparticles ("charge"), 2) the particle system is reversed left to right ("parity"), and 3) the particle system is run backward ("time"); it has been found that the rate of decay of one particular particle (a kaon) could be altered by changing it's charge and parity. CP was violated. Therefore for CPT to remain invariant, the system would have to change if time were run backward. In other words there is one tiny bit of matter which posits time as directional on a subatomic level.

CPT invariant declares the universe in perfect symmetry and there is... nothing. All matter is perfectly in balance with its opposite, anti-matter. But since one tiny bit of matter posits time as directional, by apparently behaving differently in forward and backward directions, the time required for things "to be separated" is brought into being. And we live.

Are there connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics?

The methods we use to get at the "truth" of the world around us, in our day, we call Physics. Physics, then, helps us develop our world-view. Physics is part and parcel of the technology used by our culture to approach "truth." Other societies, separated by time and space from our own, have developed different technologies to approach the universal questing after the "truth" of the world. We see their approaches as "Sacred Geometry" as we discover the usefulness and profound qualities inherent in these other technologies and as they show us "truth" beyond the limitations of our particular technology. Our tools reflect assumptions we make about the world, but the mysteries, the "truths" seem universal to all conscious beings. Physics has begun to connect us to Sacred Geometry. Perhaps all useful technologies do.

1 comment:

Lisa, Student of TCM said...

love the poems, cliff. thanks for sharing. rumi has been a favorite poet of mine for some time now. jeff shane is in my top ten though!