Monday, April 2, 2007

Energy Medicine and Energy Fields

Is Acupuncture "energy medicine"?

"Energy medicine" pertains to a method of treatment designed to address all of the components and complexities of a complete human being. In contrast to "trauma medicine," which is focused on the alleviation of symptoms due to trauma, energy medicine focuses on the restoration of the natural balances which predate and inform the body in all of its manifestations. The two approaches work, to the extent that each works, based upon fundamental and conceptual differences in the very definitions of "human being" and "trauma;" that is, differences not only in the definition of the object upon which a medical approach is to be applied, but also definitional differences which determine the applicability of the particular approach. In other words, the two approaches could not be more different. These differences give each of them differing strengths and weaknesses. From everything I have observed and learned of the two approaches, the practice of acupuncture aligns with the very definition of energy medicine: providing a means to balance the energetic fields of the body, consequently supporting the body's own bias to restore and maintain health.

Do we need Kirlian photography to prove the aura exists?

Kirlian photography is a photographic process that captures the auras of persons or objects within the photograph. It was itself developed in order to photograph these multicolored, glowing emanations known as auras. Therefore, we do not need Kirlian photography to prove the aura exists, since the desire alone to develop this process would ipso facto prove the aura exists, since otherwise there would have been no desire to develop a method to capture and record it. (Is this reasoning too "West"?)

What evidence can you find for the Biofield and Morphogenic Fields?

Four things come immediately to mind: The fact that the Western sciences fail in their self imposed roles of "explaining it all;" the life I knew of my Grandmother (see below, Synchronicity); my own experiences with acupuncture and massage; and looking into the eyes of a human being.

Life and Living Systems

I know I'm a "living system" because...

... the entity known to me as "I" exhibits all known characteristics we attribute to living systems: 1) "I" possesses senses and responds to changes in the external environment; 2) The cells and tissues of "I" propagate and transmit waves of excitation from one point to another within it; 3) "I" grows--there has been and continues to be increase in the size and number of the cells of "I;" 4) There has been and continues to be an exchange of gasses between "I" and the environment; 5) "I" breaks down and absorbs food; 6) "I" moves digested nutrients into its fluids for transportation to every cell of its body; 7) "I" is capable of secreting special substances which are required within its own body; 8) "I" is capable of excreting materials no longer required within it, as well as materials produced but not required by it; 9) "I" is capable of circulating fluids and other substances from one area of its body to another; and 10) "I" is able to reproduce most parts of itself for growth as well as for repair. (Credit and thanks to N. Collins and all physiologists, everywhere.)

But perhaps more importantly, I "know" I am a living system not only because I possess all characteristics currently ascribed to living systems, but because I feel I am a living system. I feel an indestructible connection between my "I" and the larger, living environment. Also, I know I am a living system because my mother told me so...

Biophysics and me

We expect our long and satisfying relationship to continue for some time yet. Till death do we part. Wait; probably not even then! Let me say instead: Till death do we reconfigure.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Towards a New Synthesis

My E-Prime Day

This title appears to request selection and recording of a partially random series of keystrokes in the curious attempt to describe experience without definitive statements of being and without a particular point of view. What fun! It seems possible. However, as I appear to struggle with the beginning, most thoughts seem to appear to include statements which slip outside the described parameters.

The morning seems nice and arrives somewhat early in the day. There appear to be requirements made of the organism. It looks like familiarity with these demands motivates the organism, for it appears to respond to them. Some elements outside the organism appear to disappear within it, while other elements seem to wrap it from neck to foot. The organism appears to leave its place of origin and wanders, apparently satisfying other external or internal requirements made upon it. What other reason for these behaviors might exist? Eventually, the organism appears to return from whence it came. The day's poor play, some might paraphrase, appears over. But who might know?

Can I synthesize East and West?

On a good day, with a quiet mind, rested and fed; yes. East and West are synthesized primarily by realizing that the basic qualities we ascribe to East and West are initially not really separated after all. It takes us some time to realize this, perhaps, and we always express surprise when what we originally think to be in opposition turns into the overlapped or complimentary. People everywhere are basically the same; it is only the externals which appear to make us separate. And there are some really strong powers which are invested in the development and maintenance of these separating externals. As we all have, I have felt the cultural and societal pressures of many of these externals of the West, but never felt particularly invested in some of them; they never "worked" for me. Some of the externals, of course, I must assume I remain blind to; to varying degrees we all still wear our cultural blinders. But the lack of investiture in some externals of the West, coupled with the known hypocrisy of some of their manifestations, has certainly kept me open to the possibility of new syntheses.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Classical Physics

Newton's Three Laws and me

Well snooze... Law 1: Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. Law 2: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Law 3: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

The study of Physics must start somewhere. As important as these laws are in the historical development of science and, if you will, the evolution of human consciousness separate from religious dogma, these observations now provide little more than a starting point for traditional study. They support rocket science. They remind me that I have an external presence in the world, to look both ways before crossing the street, and during an earthquake to be aware of falling objects. They are "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" while my interests have become more "Upstairs, Downstairs."

Our "Energy Efficient" Culture

Energy efficiency is a relative concept treated, in our culture, as a certain and widely attainable constant that will save us from spoiling our nest. Energy efficiency actually means little more than just a little less... exploiting or wasteful. "Energy efficient cars" is an oxymoron. "Saves energy" is fool's gold. The ideas we have of ourselves personally, collectively, and culturally will have to mutate from top to bottom before any cultural notion of using energy efficiently truly emerges. We may also need an entirely different universe.

Descartes has a lot to answer for!

Cartesian coordinates may have saved Descartes from the inner most rings of Hell. But in providing the basic philosophical framework for what became the duality of mind and body, that great mechanistic schism, he certainly has earned an eternal roasting!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


"Ordered chaos"--does this sound familiar?

The pairing ordered chaos, due to the apparent contradictions of its terms, carries within it implications of movement and process far greater than either word alone. Ordered implies a recognizable pattern, or that everything is in its right place and functioning properly; definitions that presume expectation. Chaos implies there is no pattern and that there is no rightful place or function. It is without expectation. Taken separately then, the terms each postulate the existence of a viewer, one who is or is without some degree of expectation. And since it is only as a measure of this degree of expectation that the terms may be applied, the two concepts represent different points on a continuum determined solely by the knowledge (or expectation) the viewer brings to any system to be examined. The viewer's expectation of a system, then, affects its description. Or, again, we see what we are looking for. As humanity's ability in understanding complex systems evolves, the chaotic "becomes" orderly. As Stephen Hawking says, "...if we discover a complete [chaos] theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few... and just ordinary people [will] be able to take part in the discussion... why it is that we and the universe exist."

Fractals as patterns of complex systems

Fractals apparently opened the door to chaos theory. As common representative subsets of more complex systems appeared in seemingly unrelated systems (structurally similar spirals, for example), the curious became more interested in representing the unrepresentable. These increasing complex representations became even more so with the advent of accessible computer power, producing amazing graphs in organic shapes of infinite complexity. The graphs were found to correspond to such processes as plant growth, weather patterns, the development of embryos, and quantum theories of time and space. It is the study of these complex systems and their interrelationships that form the basis of chaos theory.

Consciousness out of chaos?

It might be that only a worldview dependent upon a minimal, occidental definition of consciousness would even pose the question this way. If every point in the space-time grid is conscious and the human brain only a focal point in the grid, shouldn't we be asking: Chaos out of consciousness?

Monday, February 26, 2007


Are all vibrations "good"?

Although all Beach Boy vibrations are "good" (apologies to all; I just could not resist), it seems to me that vibrations just "are." "Good" implies a value judgment outside of our objective, "scientific" discussion of Vibrations. The results of vibrations might include discussion of "good" or "bad" effects, but "good" and "bad" are not descriptors inherent in the phenomena. One could argue that some vibrations have both qualities; for example, odor vibrations might be "good" for the hunter, but "bad" for the hunted. But in the overall scheme of things, where those eaten provide life for those doing the eating, even this example of a qualitative description of the phenomena falls short. There is no inherent "good" or "evil" in any natural phenomena.

Resonance in my world

Well, gosh, everything comes to us via vibrations! I was originally going to write that the most interesting aspects of resonance in my world are the non-verbal communiques or "energy fields" projecting outward from my fellow beings. I am intrigued by communications accomplished without the use of words; how feelings can be communicated, for instance. But then I thought about color! I used to paint in oils, and I still like to color. There is very real enjoyment to be found in color combination. But then I thought about music! Auditory stimulation alone can transport me to other times and places, can fill me with peace, or make me cry. And that makes me think about laughter, and the sound of a child's uncontrollable giggle! The miracle of it! And then there is dancing and the vibrating body! And the sight, the smell, the sound of a forest after an early morning rain! My world is made of vibrations!

Connections I can make between Energy and Qi?

One of the limitations of spelling words with letters rather than representing ideas through "pictures" is that we seem to be not always able to get at the deeper meanings inherent in our perceptions of the world. Our grammars often tie our hands, limit our minds. To make connections between Energy and Qi, other than the grammatically obvious, would require mind-expanding representations of the utmost subtlety and infinite variation. For now, in this language of spelling and metaphor, I am happy to settle upon an equivalence between them, remembering that concepts born of different languages almost always lose something in translation. "Energy" in English may include ideas not found in the Chinese "Qi." Likewise, the Chinese "Qi" may certainly include notions not to be found in the English "Energy."

Monday, February 19, 2007

Symmetry and Sacred Geometry

My (A)Symmetrical World

During particular times, when events were explosive, out of control, whole periods of my life when I have suffered what felt to be unendurable and unending grief, as well as those times when the love and joy in my life have seemed effortless and boundless; my world seemed clearly asymmetrical. There was little balance. What was experienced in the extreme during these particular times has always remained jagged memories of isolating events thrust upon me by an unjust and meaningless world (kudos, always, to Shakespeare: "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"). There are scars on my psyche, the sources of which I have hated very profoundly, for it is hard to see the beauty and balance of life when one is attacked from without or from within, assaulted physically, spiritually or sexually, or even just had one's good "Christian name" (kudos, always, to Joni) or educated nose rubbed in the dung heap.

No justice, no symmetry.

Now I am not really sure what happened. It is not that the "years have taken a toll" or that I have yet acquired the "wisdom that comes with age." I still have profound hatred for much that is in the world (kudos, always, to Bertoldt: "Change the world... she needs it!"). But I sense a profound symmetry now in my world. As more years go by, they move faster and faster, and I can feel their rhythm. Within the largest cycles there is a sense of containment. The great arc of my life I am able to see as from a distance, and I enjoy my experience of it. I dance. As the older folks I know leave this existence, the younger ones enter. Friends have gone and friends have come. Wherever I go, there I am. (Funny, but true!) I can see my reflection and know it to be illusory, for "I" am the illusion. The symmetry is perfect and complete.

This was really hard to write. I am very tired. It is late; good thing it is dark. Perfect symmetry.

Just what does this CP violation really mean?

It may very well be the reason there is an "is" here. Contrary to the symmetry theorem of quantum physics which states that all processes involving particles remain invariant if: 1) the particles are changed into antiparticles ("charge"), 2) the particle system is reversed left to right ("parity"), and 3) the particle system is run backward ("time"); it has been found that the rate of decay of one particular particle (a kaon) could be altered by changing it's charge and parity. CP was violated. Therefore for CPT to remain invariant, the system would have to change if time were run backward. In other words there is one tiny bit of matter which posits time as directional on a subatomic level.

CPT invariant declares the universe in perfect symmetry and there is... nothing. All matter is perfectly in balance with its opposite, anti-matter. But since one tiny bit of matter posits time as directional, by apparently behaving differently in forward and backward directions, the time required for things "to be separated" is brought into being. And we live.

Are there connections between Sacred Geometry and Physics?

The methods we use to get at the "truth" of the world around us, in our day, we call Physics. Physics, then, helps us develop our world-view. Physics is part and parcel of the technology used by our culture to approach "truth." Other societies, separated by time and space from our own, have developed different technologies to approach the universal questing after the "truth" of the world. We see their approaches as "Sacred Geometry" as we discover the usefulness and profound qualities inherent in these other technologies and as they show us "truth" beyond the limitations of our particular technology. Our tools reflect assumptions we make about the world, but the mysteries, the "truths" seem universal to all conscious beings. Physics has begun to connect us to Sacred Geometry. Perhaps all useful technologies do.